pfeife outdoor


Stroll through the gallery and get a feeling for what makes my wooden pipes so special.
Collect impression and discover, which pipes matches you as a person..

schmauch zigarre
glass blunt
old pothead
schmauch pothead
schmauch poker pipe
poker pipe nussholz
schmauch le petit
le petit no. 4 box


Everything starts out small - me too.
From the infancy of my crafts, my brand Eisdeale evolved into something finer.
From high quality materials, fine designs and last but not least collective experience unfolds SCHMAUCH®PIPES as a brand, and more, as a wholesome web of philosophy, crafts, art, expressions and my personal life and doing.

Life means doing.
It is a continuous evolution, a process, always and only taking place just now.
Let’s go!

SCHMAUCH® Illustration
le grand le petit
le grand filter
bruyere maserung
le grand messing